13 - My secondment in TRL

Hi crew, I hope you are doing well! Have you noticed that I changed a bit the layout of the blog? Do you like the new style? However, let’s focus now on the topic of this new (and amazing!) post! Today I want to share with you my experience of the first weeks of secondment that I spent in TRL Ltd… moreover, I would like also to discuss with you a bit about Italian food. Tasty?? Ehm, interesting eh? But let’s start from the main topic of the post: my secondment in TRL. As you probably know, this is my second experience in secondment (the first one was in Microlise last year ) and it is part of my PhD project. This experience will be useful for me and my research, for improving my knowledge about road conditions monitoring, road maintenance strategies, road pavements life-cycle assessment, and for the interpretation of the results of my study so far. TRL is the acronym of Transportation Research Laboratory. In TRL engineers, consultants and technical speciali...